One in six homeowners tend to ‘play it safe’ when it comes to interior design choices

Four in 10 homeowners have grand designs when it comes to refurbing their homes – but often settle for safer, less bold options, research has found. A study, of 2,000 adults, found 16 percent would opt for the “safe” option to avoid feeling like they’ve made a mistake later on, while the same amount don’t feel confident enough to make braver choices.

A further 12 percent are keen to avoid any interior mishaps that may end up taking even more work to resolve. And, of those who have made a décor decision they later came to regret, buying cheap furniture that went on to break came top of the list.

This was followed by “clashing” too many colours together in a room, and overcrowding the living room with oversized furnishings.

The research was commissioned by furniture retailer, DFS, which teamed up with design and confidence expert, Tiwalola Ogunlesi, to reveal why we should trust our instincts and go with our gut when choosing interiors.

She said: “Making a decision on your home décor doesn’t need to be make-or-break – styling is a journey of experimenting, and discovering your personal preferences.

“You’ve got to be unapologetic about your choices. One person’s “bold and adventurous” might be another person’s “too busy and over-the-top” – what matters most is that your choices feel true to you and your own personal taste.

“If you do feel like you’ve made a bad move, like overcrowding a room, give yourself permission to go back to the drawing board and try something new or different.

“You’ll be surprised how much you can learn about your personal taste through experimentation. To stop playing safe and be bolder, there are steps we can take to feel more confident in our décor decisions, and curate a space that works well for us.”

Other regrettable choices budding designers have made include wallpapering a whole room in a bold pattern, and prioritising aesthetics over the practicality of furniture.

Despite this, 26 percent would like to use more colours in their home, while 21 percent want to be more creative with their lighting.

And more than a fifth (22 percent) would choose a bright colour for their sofa, if they were to make a bolder interior design choice.

Exactly three-quarters of respondents believe it takes real confidence to make bold choices when designing the interior of a home.

And only 16 percent of the homeowners polled go as far as to say they love their interiors – with 23 percent ambivalent, neither particularly liking or disliking their home style.

Three in 10 (31 percent) don’t think their personality is reflected in the way their home is decorated – but 40 percent of people admit they’d feel more relaxed if it was.

For 13 percent of these, they’ve opted to make their home more practical than stylish – while 10 percent simply haven’t put much effort in. But over a third (37 percent) admit they envy those who are bold with their interior style, according to the figures.

Kellie Wyles, head of upholstery at DFS, added: “Decorating your home is not just about furniture and colours – it’s a canvas for your personality, a place to bring to life “your thing”.

“When it comes to following trends, your home should tell your story, not anyone else’s. Home décor is not a one-size-fits-all, so have confidence in your unique style – mix patterns, experiment with textures, and watch your home transform into a true reflection of your taste.”

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