Immunic’s CSO – on exploring the fascinating world of viruses

She loves her job and works within a team that believes in the power of diverse perspectives and robust discussions. Read on to discover how she got to where she is today. 

Could you give us an overview of your work?

As chief scientific officer, I oversee the scientific strategy and preclinical development pipeline for our projects at Immunic. My work involves advancing our programs from discovery through preclinical to late-stage clinical trials, in particular defining the mode of action of our molecules, overseeing preclinical studies to demonstrate the safety of our compounds, and identifying biomarkers that offer early indications or support for clinical activity. Additionally, I play a crucial role in overseeing quality management to ensure compliance with industry and regulatory standards.

I am also involved in disseminating scientific information to various stakeholders, including investors, physicians, scientists, the broader public and also within Immunic to our teams, thereby ensuring both internal and external stakeholders are well-informed and aligned with our objectives. I also contribute to writing and editing scientific papers and lay articles, and attend and speak at industry and scientific conferences. By effectively communicating our scientific advancements and achievements, we not only foster transparency but also enhance our reputation as a leader in the field of immunology.

Furthermore, as part of the founder and management team, I am part of both the strategic and operational decision-making processes. By providing valuable insights and expertise, I help steer our company towards achieving its goals and maximizing its potential for success.

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