ICON’s Kathleen Mandziuk drug development journey

She explains how the intense experience now gives her a new sense of pride and dedication to the transformation of healthcare and clinical research as she takes us on her journey to clinical research and drug development at ICON. 

Could you give us an overview of your work?

I lead an incredible team of experts in the optimization of clinical research in drug development at ICON. As one of the largest global clinical research organizations, our focus is on the transformation of drug development. ICON’s commitment to innovation in the development of new treatments is driven by our dedication to advancing patient care, improving trial efficiency, and accelerating the delivery of safe and effective therapies to patients in need. Through our integrated solutions, access to real-world data, advanced technologies, and strategic partnerships, we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the pursuit of better health outcomes for all.  ICON has been at the forefront of transforming drug development through various initiatives aimed at reducing the participation burden, streamlining operational processes, enhancing efficiency, and leveraging advanced technologies to accelerate the delivery of life-saving therapies to patients worldwide.

When did you realize you were interested in science – as a young child, teen, or older?

My interest in science started at a very young age.  My grandfather was a founder of a technology company in the early days of computing in the 1960s. While visiting him as a child, he would show me the inner working mechanics of different machines.  This ignited a curiosity and passion in me to further explore science, technology and innovation – and resulted in a variety of elementary and middle school science fair projects including optical illusions, building transistors and the measurement of viscosity.  During high school, I began volunteering as a candy striper at the local hospital – where my excitement for the science of healthcare began. Interacting with physicians, nurses, patients and caregivers gave me a unique perspective on the healthcare industry and I decided to pursue a career in nursing.

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