Expert’s clever olive oil hack to protect and rejuvenate furniture

When it comes to cleaning and maintaining our homes it is easy to get swept away buying multiple different products that promise amazing results. While this might be the case, sometimes all you need are some common household items – and a bit of know-how.

With this in mind, one clearing expert revealed an unusual yet simple hack for keeping wood furniture in tip-top shape.

Melissa Caverly, founder of Imagine Maids, explained: “With every company and influencer trying to convince you that cleaning requires an excess of gadgets and gizmos, it’s easy to wonder if simplicity got lost in the shuffle.

“You can’t help but reminisce about the days when a good old-fashioned scrubbing brush and elbow grease were all it took to conquer mess.

“Well, you might be right; this collection of timeless cleaning hacks proves simplicity still holds its shine.”

She revealed that olive oil can be used to “preserve” and “rejuvenate” wood furniture.

“Olive oil is not just good for cooking; it’s also a masterful tool for preserving and rejuvenating wood furniture,” she said.

“To achieve this, apply a small amount of olive oil onto a soft cloth and gently rub it onto the wooden furniture in circular motions.”

According to Melissa, the oil penetrates the wood, moisturising it and restoring its natural shine while providing a protective layer against future damage.

“This hack has been cherished for centuries, originating from ancient practices of using oils to preserve and beautify wooden surfaces,” she added.

“To make the oil smell less like olives, you can mix it with a few drops of essential oil.”

She also shared six other old-school cleaning hacks you should still use today if you want a spotless home.

Lemon juice

Harnessing the attractive scent of citrus, lemon juice offers a natural and refreshing way to clean and deodorise surfaces.

Simply dilute fresh lemon juice with water and apply it to surfaces using a cloth or spray bottle.

Melissa said: “Lemon juice has been a trusted cleaning agent for centuries, prized for its antibacterial properties.”

Newspaper for window cleaning

Melissa advised using your preferred window cleaner, then use the newspaper to wipe down the glass in circular motions.

Since newspapers don’t contain lint and have an absorbent texture, they will leave behind a streak-free shine, she said, making them a favourite technique among professional cleaners and homeowners for decades.

Club soda for carpet stains

To apply it, simply pour a moderate amount of club soda directly onto the stain and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the severity of the stain, to penetrate the fibres.

The club soda will help lift dirt and stains to the surface, Melissa said.

Blot the area with a clean cloth or paper towel to lift the stain away.

Salt for scrubbing

To implement this tactic, simply sprinkle salt onto the area and scrub vigorously with a damp cloth or sponge.

Toothpaste for scrubbing grout

Simply apply a small amount of toothpaste to a damp cloth or toothbrush and scrub the grout lines thoroughly.

Coffee grounds to absorb odours

Place dried coffee grounds in an open container and leave them in areas prone to odour, such as the refrigerator or kitchen cabinets.

The porous nature of coffee grounds allows them to absorb and neutralise unpleasant odours, leaving behind a fresh and inviting scent, Melissa said.

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