Doctor at Mendel AI invents a Google for medical records

Going many steps further than just reshaping technology, Dr Karim Galil has been a big part of creating a platform likened to the ‘Google for medical records’.

Throughout modern medicine, the journey towards innovation and progress often stems from personal experiences and the desire to end human suffering. Driven by a profound understanding of the challenges within the healthcare industry and fueled by a vision to transform patient care, is where the journey of Mendel, a clinical AI company, began.

Mendel’s story started with Galil, who was confronted with the harsh realities of cancer treatment.  He took time out of  his busy SCOPE schedule to tell us his story.

To begin, he reflects on the analogy of oncology as a game of Russian roulette, where patients endure grueling treatments with uncertain outcomes. He was directly inspired by personal experiences, involving his aunt.

“My aunt was a cancer patient and she had been a super-strong businesswoman; she was a big hustler and confident. One day I saw her fall in the bathroom and at that point, I knew chemotherapy wasn’t going to do anything for her. I just wish she had been able to live those last few months gracefully.

“If someone has a terminal illness, they will try every route, but I wish someone had been able to tell her, this isn’t going to work in your case. She had bad lung cancer and I think that is the moment I felt I had to build something.”

He says he started envisioning a paradigm shift in healthcare—a world where data-driven insights could guide treatment decisions, sparing patients unnecessary suffering.

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